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SPOTLIGHT: Make It Stop (September’s Children)

I really don’t know why this wasn’t the first post on my blog. Anyways, to go along with my new “I ❤ Rise Against!” page, I feel the need to spread the love for Rise Against’s newest music video — Make It Stop (September’s Children) off their 6th album, Endgame!

The whole reason behind the song is heartbreaking. On the surface, it’s an anti-homophobia song. It was created after RA read a fan’s letter, asking if they minded if she were gay. What really motivated Tim to write the song was the wave of gay teen suicides in September ’10.

If you dislike the video, you have no heart. Am I saying you have to love a song by a punk band (which is definitely not for everyone)? NO. Am I saying you have to “agree” with homosexuals? NO. Am I saying that you’re an idiot if you’re not against bullying children? Yes. :Va

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